This tutorial walks through how I installed Go, and how I got started with it. I will keep on updating it, through my journey of learning Go.


  1. Retrieve the tarball using curl by the following command:
     curl -O
  2. Next, use tar to extract the tarball : (Here x tells it to extract, v denotes verbose output and f denotes that we are mentioning a file name.)
     tar xvf go1.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
  3. This creates a directory go in the home directory. We recursively change Go’s owner and group to root and move it to usr/local :
     sudo chown -R root:root ./go
     sudo mv go /usr/local

    (usr/local/go is the offical recommended location.)

  4. Setting up paths :

    At the end of the file ~/.profile, add the following lines:

     export GOPATH=$HOME/work/go
     export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:$GOPATH/bin

    GOPATH contains the path of the folder where you will write all your Go programs. After saving the file, refresh it by doing:

     source ~/.profile

This completes our installation process.

Writing “Hello World” program

  1. Create a working directory (which you added in the .profile as GOPATH) :
     mkdir -p work/go/src/hello
  2. Create a simple Hello world file inside the above dir:
     nano ~/work/go/src/hello/hello.go

    Inside the editor, paste the code below:

     package main
     import "fmt"
     func main() {
         fmt.Printf("hello, world\n")
  3. Compile the above code using install command:
     go install work/go/src/hello

    This will create a binary in the dir work/go/bin

  4. Execute this by just typing

    since it is already added in the path.